Essentially this seems to come down to two things

1) You're unhappy I registered them in my name

2) You're unhappy it didn't get transferred within some short period  
of time

1 -  Well, mea culpa[1]. It was just quicker and I didn't really think  
about it

2 - I think you should take a long look at the minutes of the various  
meetings, board and working groups, and you'll find many things that  
stay there from meeting to meeting because people are volunteers and  
don't have the time. In fact one of the reasons the logo still isn't  
100% transferred isn't my fault, it's other board members being busy  
and not doing the paperwork. You will find Grant has been continuously  
prodding people to fix it.

What do you want Jochen? An apology? I apologise. I shouldn't have  
done it in my name, and I should have got it transferred quicker. But  
it got done. If I could go back in time and avoid all this bullshit, I  
would. But I've got to tell you that when you try this character  
assassination[2] and you disregard on the one hand

inventing osm, inventing the api, 4-500 talks around the world,  
inventing mapping parties, inventing nodes, ways, segments (remember  
them?), getting the OSMF off the ground, running various working  
groups, writing the first 4 versions of the API, pouring resources  
from cloudmade to help OSM... etc etc etc

and when you disregard all that and focus on the one fact that the  
trademark transfer didn't happen quickly enough, when you guys won't  
even trust the OSMF with the .de domain... you frankly just look  
jealous that you wanted to have founded it all, because I can't figure  
out what else would motivate you to be so un-balanced all time?



[1] -
[2] -

On 2 Jul 2009, at 15:51, Jochen Topf wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 01:23:32PM +0100, SteveC wrote:
>> On 2 Jul 2009, at 13:21, Tobias Wendorff wrote:
>>> SteveC schrieb:
>>>> Out of interest - why is this? If you follow that logic then I  
>>>> should
>>>> keep the trademarks and domain names I owned also?
>>> Seems like EvilStevil breaks down OSM to trademarks, doesn't he?
>>> Of course ... he also registered the OSM-logo as a trademark in UK.
>> What on earth are you talking about? I registered them because it was
>> quicker, and the foundation now owns them. Stop spreading FUD.
> Are we talking about the domains or the trademarks?
> The domains you registered long ago privately because that was before
> an OSMF existed, which is totally ok. In this mail in July 2007
> you said you would transfer them to OSMF the next month:
> In fact you did only do this after prompting at the end of 2008.
> See this board meeting minutes under point 4:
> And this one again under point 4:
> Now about the trademark: You applied for the trademark in your own  
> name.
> You argue you did that because it was quicker, but don't explain why  
> it
> is quicker to do this in your own name instead of OSMFs.
> This claim is especially doubious, because the issue came up in the  
> board
> meeting of 2007-11-15, then in almost every board meeting this  
> subject was
> mentioned as beeing on your todo list.
> (See
> where I count 9 mentionings of this topic.) So if you were that much
> in a hurry, why did it take almost a year without much action?
> I assume you told the board at some point that you had the  
> application under
> your own name. The trademark application was subsequently  
> transferred to OSMF.
> (See the above mentioned two board meeting minutes again under point  
> 4 for
> this.)
>> And, stop thinking it's bad for me to register something but totally
>> ok for you to.
> Well there is the issue of you beeing the chairman of the board of  
> directors
> of OSMF. So for you registering a domain or a trademark in your own  
> name
> there is a definite conflict of interest. For Joe Mapper there isn't.
> The board meeting minutes are not really clear on what your  
> assignment was.
> It was at least to do research and report back to the board. Maybe  
> even to
> get the trademark for OSMF. You did the research and then got the  
> trademarks
> for yourself. Am I the only one to think there is a huge conflict of
> interest here? At least an enormous error in judgment?
> But, as you say, the domains and trademark are with the foundation  
> now,
> so all ended well and we can go on to other topics.
> Jochen
> -- 
> Jochen Topf   
> +49-721-388298

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