Deutsch weiter unten.

Manuel wrote:

> in the german mailing list the discussion arose how parking lots should be
> tagged that offer exclusively disabled parking spaces. The main question 
> was, whether "capacity" should include the number of disabled parking
> spaces 
> or not. So, for example, if a parking lot has 10 disabled parking spaces, 
> should it be tagged as
> capacity=10
> disabled_spaces=10
> or
> capacity=0
> disabled_spaces=10 ?
> Besides that, what would be appropriate if the total number of spaces is 
> unknown? Something like
> capacity=0
> disabled_spaces=yes
> or rather
> disabled_spaces=only ?
> Any suggestions or opinions?

easy answer.

Imagine what a navigation system needs.
I can configure wether I am disabled or not (or if I don't care).

*So if I am *not* disabled, I am not interested in disables parking spaces,
and if there are ONLY disabled places, I don't want to be routet there, because 
I can not use them.

*If I *am* disabled, I might need a lowered curb, so I am not interested in 
ordinary parking spaces as I can not use them.

So obviously the numbers of ordinary and disabled spaces do have only a small 
number of persons that don't care on what they are parking (e.g. drivers of 
blind persons).

You can always add them, but deviding makes no sense.

Have these numbers separated!

Nochmal auf deutsch:
Entweder ich bin behindert, dann interessiert mich die Gesamtzahl nicht, oder 
ich bin nichtbehindert, dann interessiert mich die Anzahl der 
Behindertenparkplätze nicht.
Wenn meine Navi mich also zum Parkplatz führen soll, dann braucht sie getrennte 
Zahlen, keine Summen.


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