
Andreas schrieb:
> Davon abgesehen, dass ich es ungünstig finde, nur durch ein JOSM-Update
> von
> der neuen Adresse zu erfahren, anstatt dass das "alte" Angebot auf das
> neue
> umgeleitet wird - und sei es nur durch einen Texthinweis.

Ich bin erstaunt, dass Du glaubst, der Macher der neuen Seite wäre nicht auf 
diesen Gedanken gekommen. So einfach sind die Dinge aber nicht - viele Leute 
sind unglücklich mit zwei Openstreetbug-Applikationen, die nicht mal (zur Zeit) 
synchronisiert sind, siehe:


Der Macher der neuen OSB-Applikation schrieb:
The original plan was to replace the first implementation by the new one. The 
"synchronisation" was meant to be a dump functionality which is updated to the 
current status of the old database. This also means it is oneway.

As part of this plan I thought about a way to make the transition from the old 
database to the new one as smooth as possible. I wrote a patch for the Appspot 
implementation which is proxying the new database while still allowing 
synchronisation. If that patch was applied, you could use the old address or 
the new address, get the same results and write to the same database.

This happened before the announcement. The patch was not applied yet, I do not 
know what is going on. I hope the reason is just lack of time. 


This leads to the question: Who is "official" related to OSB? Xavier, who 
created the Appspot version and wrote the Javascript client, agreed on the 
rewrite before the announcement. The private domain owners for 
openstreetbugs.de and openstreetbugs.org switched the redirection, I guess 
because they like the improvements. The OSMF has nothing to do with it (yet). 
In my eyes the OSB service is an additional service around OSM data, free 
source code and free data available. The deciding force is the usage. Contact 
with the OSMF for inclusion in the main page did not happen yet, but they got 
the announcement.

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