Am 22.06.2012 12:52, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
2012/6/21 Peter Wendorff<>:
For me nodes, ways and areas sound reasonable for slipways.
A slipway is similar to a street =>  in osm a way.
It may be a very small feature and somebody may only know the estimated
location =>  in osm a node
It may be of very different width up to a wide area like =>  in osm a
polygon/closed way.

+1. Probably we should suggest to add area=yes on polygons.
That shouldn't be necessary, as it's not ambiguous: A closed highway=slipway IMHO always should be interpreted as an area, so it's not necessary to add area=yes; It's no benefit to add a second tag data users have to take into account instead of requiring to take the closed-ness of the way into account. The latter variant is less error prone as mappers don't have to deal with that extra tag, and it's not less work for data consumers.


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