
I am the one responsible for most (if not all) of those tags and I'm well 
aware that I've been using a different tag. I "invented" and started using 
service=rest_area in 2010 because I found highway=rest_area pretty much 
unusable for what I wanted to do (just like Rasmus I find that 
highway=rest_area has been pretty crappily defined. A highway* that can be 
tagged on either a node or an area?!?) 

I probably should have taken steps to have my use of service=rest_area 
properly documented years ago  (which would have avoided some confusion 
already), but so far always found myself just being busy mapping instead.

Some time ago I staŕted tagging a single node highway=rest_area at every rest 
area (other danish mappers have tagged them "amenity=parking_area", which i 
disagree with, since there actually are differences between ordinary parking 
lots and the rest areas I've been mapping), so that consumers will be able to 
find them using current standard searches.

Onsdag den 20. april 2016 15:43:25 skrev Nelson A. de Oliveira:
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Rasmus Vendelboe
> <r.vendelboe+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Probably because it has been cleaned up through Denmark by a single
> > person?
> > I haven't been part in it, but in my humble opinion it is a better tagging
> > scheme, simpler and more inline with osm's taxonomy than
> > highway=rest_area.
> > Highway=rest_area is a weakly described tag, it makes no sense and should
> > imho be deprecated.
> I am not saying that it's wrong nor right the way it's represented in
> Denmark, but I can see one problem: data consumers will look for
> highway=rest_area or highway=services (since they are the most used
> tags in the rest of the world).
> Suppose somebody goes to Denmark, using osmand, and tries to locate a
> rest area. They won't find.
> It won't also be represented in most (if not all) the renderers.
> Again, I am not saying that it's wrong nor that it needs to be
> changed, but it has disadvantages while it's not used and while it is
> unknown outside Denmark.
> My original message was only to inform that you are using a different
> tag to represent the objects.
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