Hi, I am the author of StreetComplete, an Android app with with which
surveyors can add data to the map directly. More Info here:

Amongst other things, the app incites its users to add housenumbers to
buildings. I have read that in your country, most (all?) housenumbers
are imported from an official source, regularly.

On the wiki documentation
, it is not stated clearly whether this is discouraged. So that is why I
would like to ask you whether adding any housenumbers (on building
outlines) should be disabled for your country in the app. Ideally, the
linked wiki should be updated to reflect the decision made.

To help you decide on this, here are some facts about what the app does:

When are users prompted to enter a housenumber?

1. Exclusively for buildings tagged as house, residential, apartments,
   detached, terrace, hotel, dormitory, houseboat, school, civic,
   college, university, public, hospital, kindergarten, train_station,
   retail, commercial. Notably not for building=yes

2. Only for buildings which do not contain (or contain on outline) any
   node that is tagged with a housenumber or -name

3. Only for buildings that are not contained in a larger area that
   already has a housenumber or -name (such as schools, hospitals,
   campuses etc)

What tags do the users enter?

Users can enter either a addr:housenumber or a addr:housename.
Alternatively, they can leave an OSM note in which they can explain the
situation and optionally attach a photo.
No tags are replaced by this app, the users can only add data. They can
neither delete previously entered housenumbers nor merge housenumbers
from nodes onto a building outline and as said above, are also not
prompted to supply a housenumber for buildings that already contain a
housenumber node.


You might want to follow the forum thread in the Norway and Netherlands
forum where I asked the same question:
Norway - https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=671651
Netherlands - https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=671650


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