Some days ago I sent the mail below to the list, but by an error it went only to Paul Norman and the Spanish mailing list. I would like to get feedback from you about the sample data from Spanish Cadastre to be imported [1]. A new sample can be downloaded from [2]. P.S. FYI, we have written some draft information in English about the import at [3]

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto:         Re: [Imports] Spanish cadastre
Fecha:  Fri, 23 Mar 2012 22:47:17 +0100
De:     Carlos Dávila <>
Para:   Paul Norman <>
CC:     Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap <>

El 22/03/12 20:38, Paul Norman escribió:
 From: Carlos Dávila []
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 5:28 AM
 Subject: [Imports] Spanish cadastre

 This mail is to announce the intention of the Spanish OSM community to
 import data from Spanish Cadastre and get feedback from you.
 The idea of this import arises with the publication of the license and
 access criteria to massive download of data from Spanish Cadastre [1] on
 march 2011, which states: "Public use of cadastrial data is permitted,
 including commercial use, if such data have been previously transformed
 in any way...". Original data is supplied as shapefiles with different
 coordinate reference systems. Reprojecting those shapefiles to EPSG:4326
 and converting to *.osm format is enough transformation to allow
 mentioned public use, according with the reference Spanish "Law of
 intellectual property" [2], as established in its article 21, which also
 says that copyrights of the transformed product belongs to the
 transformer, in this case the (Spanish) OSM community.
 Data from Spanish Cadastre is known to have a high accuracy and include
 a lot of information of interest for OSM project, such as buildings
 (shape, use, height, number of floors, etc.), rural and urban parcels
 land use, most of streets and roads of the country, power stations,
 tracks and paths, trees... Many of this information is currently in OSM,
 mainly ways and roads, but a great part is still missing, specially in
 low populated areas where a ground survey is less likely to be made.
 This import has been largely discussed on Spanish mailing list, with a
 general consensus on the usefulness of the import and a "we must do it"
 Specific software (cat2osm) is being developed [3] to import data, which
 source code is available at Github [4]. It is currently being tested by
 some members of the community to get a stable status. Some images of the
 preliminary results can be seen at [5]. Transformed data is thought to
 be always manually checked in JOSM by osmers knowing the area and only
 after that uploaded. The way original data is translated into osm format
 by cat2osm tool is documented in [6] and has been established with the
 participation of several members of the community.

 What is your proposed tagging of these objects?

 Cadastre generally have a lot of detailed information, not all of which is
 suitable for importing into OSM. Which datasets do you intend to import and
 which do you intend to leave out?

 Specific accounts have been created for the import, one for each Spanish
 province [7]. There's a member of the Spanish community responsible of
 each province import.

 What software do you plan to use to conflate with existing OSM data?
 How do you intend to upload the data?
 Approximately how large will the changesets be?

 Looking forward for your comments
 Carlos Dávila

 I suggest breaking your import proposal into sub-proposals for each type of
 data set. E.g. have a different proposal for roads than for buildings.

cat2osm can process data of a given municipality as a whole or in
separate steps, processing different kind of data. That result in
separate *.osm files, containing buildings, highway=*, parcels,
subparcels, etc. Also urban and rural areas are in separate input
shapefiles. What I want to show you is that importer (remember it's not
planned as an automated import) can control what to import and the size
of the dataset to upload. I have uploaded some sample data to [1]. For a
given municipality, zip contains raw data provided by cat2osm for
highway=*, current data in OSM database and merged data for the urban
area processed with JOSM. IMHO these data could be uploaded to OSM
(using JOSM) without any risk to face those problems have been mentioned
in this thread.


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