Je renvoie sur cette liste un sondage lancé par Richard Weait (qui le
fait à titre personnel) et qui voudrait notre opinion sur qui est un
"bon" ou un "mauvais" mappeur, ceci dans le cadre des outils qui sont
expérimentés pour détecter automatiquement les "mauvaises


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Weait <>
Date: Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 5:04 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Who is a good mapper? Who isn't?

Ever wanted to 'dish' on another mapper?  Like to gossip?

Or do you just want to help improve the OSM data and community?

Here is your opportunity.  :-)

I've created a survey.  You can tell me who you consider to be a good
mapper and who you consider to be a bad mapper.  And you can do this
anonymously too!

What on Earth are you doing, Richard?

Several of us have been working on methods to detect good and bad
edits.  Some of these methods are working well.  Others are still
highly experimental.  But the methods are all a bit opinionated.  I
want to have the benefit of your judgement as well.  I know what I
consider to be a good or bad edit by another mapper; now I want your
help.  Point out other good or bad mappers; I'll see if my methods
agree.  Then I'll try to fix my methods.

Ideally, I'll be able to test my "bad mapping detectors" against the
users you provide, and the good mappers will come out one side, and
the bad mappers will come out the other.  That doesn't sounds too
useful on its own, but in future, we might have better automatic
detection of vandalism.  Or better automatic coaching for new mappers
on errors.

So give it a try.

So, who is a good mapper?  What makes a good mapper?  You tell me.

Who is a bad mapper?  If you open an area on the map and see that a
specific mapper was editing there. Do you react by checking their work
first?  Do you presume that they have done something wrong.  Do you
find something about their mapping to be sub-optimal?  Are their
sources suspect, notes naughty or comments misleading?

Please note that this survey is not approved or vetted by anyone other
than myself.  The OSMF, the board and working groups had nothing to do
with this.  :-)

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