pour info, problème de perf avec le rendu différencié des way en 
fonction de leur surface, c'est annulé

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.1
Date : Fri, 29 Jun 2018 04:08:38 -0700
De : Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>
Pour : d...@openstreetmap.org, t...@openstreetmap.org

Dear all,

Today, v4.12.1 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are deployed
on the openstreetmap.org it will take couple of days before all tiles
show the new rendering.

The sole change is dropping rendering of the surface tag because the method
used was causing unacceptable performance problems. Anyone running v4.12.0
should immediately update, particularly if they have a large database.

You can view the previous changes with v4.12.0 at 

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

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