> Note : ce message est lancé sur les 2 listes talk-fr@ et association@
pour diffusion.
La suite de la discussion peut se dérouler sur association@ pour ne pas
polluer talk-fr@.

> > Bien dommage qu'il faille créer un compte sur une plateforme qui parle
> > en anglois ou tazuniens de sa privacy policy. Et sur laquelle je ne
> > sais si osm-fr a un quelconque contrôle.
> >
> … les limites du temps humain. Il a été envisagé
> d'héberger une instance de loomio ou d'utiliser framavox (une instance
> de loomio) !!!
> Cela demande des compétences, des serveurs et de l'envie, ce que nous
> avons en quantité, mais aussi du temps humain, ce qui est un peu plus
> rare :)

L'utilisation totalement gratuite de Loomio sur l'instance proposée par
Loomio sera prochainement un peu plus limitée. Eux aussi ont leurs soucis
d'argent, d'hébergement, …

Il s'agit donc pour nous de prendre une décision en quelques semaines sur
les prochaines étapes.

Les options, pour continuer à utiliser Loomio, sont :
- rester sur l'instance hébergée par Loomio, et payer un abonnement annuel
pour le service et pour supporter ce projet
- rester sur l'instance hébergée par Loomio, et faire une demande de
tarification réduite ou gratuité
- basculer sur l'instance hébergée par Framasoft
- installer une instance gérée par OpenStreetMap France
- autres propositions ouvertes ?

Puisque ce fil de discussion porte un sujet dans la langue de Shakespeare,
je pose le courrier d'information en version originale.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *Michael from Loomio* <mich...@loomio.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 20, 2019, 23:54
Subject: [Action required] Loomio group plan changes


Thanks for using Loomio! I’m writing to you as coordinator of an active
Loomio group which is on a legacy free plan. There are changes coming, so
please read this message in full as it contains important information that
may affect how you use this service.


Changes to subscription plans

Since launching in 2012, we have helped more than 100,000 groups
collaborate, engage with members and reach decisions together. We feel
honored to have walked alongside many of you on this journey.

Our goal is to continue providing you with an excellent service, while also
developing Loomio so it can work better for you. Our vision is to help
organizations like yours work better collectively, now and into the future.

As you can imagine, there are real costs to hosting, supporting and
developing Loomio software.  So that we can continue development and
support for Loomio, we have implemented new pricing plans at

As a social enterprise and worker cooperative – paid subscriptions are our
lifeblood and help us sponsor unfunded community groups.

What this means for you

Your group is currently on one of our legacy plans and we need to clarify
plan status to ensure no disruption to your Loomio use.  We are asking you
to upgrade to a paid subscription plan or apply to continue using Loomio
for free.

Please select one of the options below.

Option 1: 50% off all paid plans for life - limited time offer 15 July 2019

Upgrade your group
to a current paid subscription plan. In thanks for your active support, we
are offering a 50% discount off paid plans, for your group for life!  Use
coupon code LOOMIO50 when you upgrade. Applicable for commercial and funded
non profit organizations including political parties.


   Small (up to 50 people): $US 24.50 per month ($245.00 per year)

   Medium (up to 500 people): $US 74.50 per month ($745.00 per year)

Option 2: Membership organization

If your group is a volunteer or member supported organization, apply for
special rates on annual plans with the Member supported application form
Applicable for some activist organizations, co-housing groups, community
groups, collectives, sports clubs and spiritual groups:


   Small (up to 50 people): $US 98.00 per year

   Medium (up to 500 people): $US 149.00 per year

Option 3: Unfunded community group

We continue to sponsor Loomio free to unfunded groups such as activists,
hobby groups, classroom education, families and friends.

If your group has no funds, apply for a free sponsored plan with our Community
Application form

Act now to avoid disruption to your service

We will soon be shifting all legacy groups we have not heard from to trial
status, with limits on the number of threads and people invited. If your
group has already exceeded the limits, you may not be able to invite new
people or start new threads.

Please either upgrade your subscription plan or contact us by 15 July 2019.


If you have any questions about these changes at Loomio, please don’t
hesitate to ask. We would love to hear how Loomio is working for you via
email reply, or book a time for a call here

More information is available in Subscription pricing

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Warm regards, Michael

Michael Elwood-Smith


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[image: mt]

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