Sending this message again, this time without the included email
attachment, to fit under the 40 kb size limit, hopefully.

Jorieke message can also be found here:


Le 21/03/2020 à 10:06, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
> Hi,
> Sharing today with the International OSM Community this message, that
> I sent to talk-fr yesterday, after seeing the positive reaction that
> it received here.
> The idea comes from the CrisisMappers mailing list, that is
> reactivating in front of the Coronavirus crisis, after several years
> of slow activity (since the high times of Haiti 2010 Earthquake response…)
> A suggestion for each local OSM Community is to map the Elderly homes
> on their territory: make sure that the very sensitive amenities in
> front of COVID-19 such as Elderly homes are well, and exhaustively,
> mapped in OSM.
> “In Italy in some of the elderly homes lost already more than 80% of
> their patients”…
> This data could in parallel be used as a basis for dynamic maps, for
> example of risk exposure, or protection measures, etc…
> Another relevant mapping theme that has been proposed, and adhered to,
> on talk-fr, is mapping the Health Systems. From Intensive Care Units,
> and their capabilities (number of beds, number of negative pressure
> rooms, etc…), all the way, thru more general hospitals and clinics, to
> individual physicists and other health care workers, pharmacies, etc…
> As Jorieke stated (from the point of view of MSF) on HOT mailing list,
> in thread “COVID-19 - How you can help” (see her email included as
> attachment), health facilities and Place Names (also of villages,
> neighborhoods, etc…), and Boundaries of these are useful for
> epidemiologist and other health professionals to do contact tracing,
> and mapping of cases.
> Please feel free to adapt and forward this to your local communities.
> Take good care, of Yourself, and of Others in the measure of Your
> possibilities.
> Best wishes,
> Jean-Guilhem
> Le 20/03/2020 à 12:18, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> Je partage avec vous ce message de la liste CrisisMappers, qui se
>> réactive face à la crise du coronavirus, après plusieurs années de
>> fonctionnement au ralenti. (Depuis la grande époque du « pic » de la
>> réponse à la crise du tremblement de terre de 2010 en Haïti…)
>> Il contient plusieurs idées pertinentes.
>> Dont une que peut prendre en charge la communauté OSM France pour le
>> territoire national : s’assurer que les lieux très sensibles face au
>> COVID-19 que sont les maisons de retraites et les EHPAD sont bien, et
>> exhaustivement, cartographiés dans OSM (en Italie, certaines maisons
>> de retraite ont déjà perdu plus de 80 % de leurs pensionnaires…) Ces
>> données peuvent en parallèle servir de base à des cartes dynamiques,
>> par exemple sur le risque d’exposition ou les mesures de protection.
>> (Et j’ai bien vu aussi le thème des services de réanimation, et
>> peut-être plus largement des capacités du système de santé, proposé
>> par Donat. Un thème n’exclut pas l’autre, et il y a certainement
>> assez de monde sur cette liste pour améliorer la cartographie de
>> plusieurs thèmes sensibles en parallèle. D’autres suggestions
>> judicieuses seraient d’ailleurs aussi les bienvenues. Et chacun·e
>> pourra choisir le thème sur lequel elle ou il se sent le plus à même
>> de contribuer le plus utilement, et le plus efficacement, en priorité.)
>> Prenez bien soin de vous, et des autres si vous le pouvez.
>> Jean-Guilhem
>> -------- Message transféré --------
>> Sujet :      Re: [CrisisMappers] Re: COVID-19 Response
>> Date :       Wed, 18 Mar 2020 23:32:47 +0200
>> De :         Giedrius K <>
>> Répondre à :
>> Pour :
>> I see that focus of the talk/discussion is the COVID-19 Response in
>> United States, right? China, where society in most of the cases
>> listens, what the government says, while Europe, United States and
>> other western countries are more liberal and experience some issues
>> now. Liberal - I mean that they are not forced to stay in quarantine,
>> they are asked, but not forced. Thus our all elderly depends on
>> infected, if they will obey the rules or not.
>> Viewing from First-Responders (Crisis Mappers), I think the best
>> approach in that case would be:
>> 1. Develop a solution, which would help healthcare to monitor
>> quarantined people at home (not enough places in hospital)  via
>> technologies (Mobile phones, forms filled everyday, mapping solutions
>> for local healthcare experts).
>> 2. Map/assess elderly distribution (especially lonely);
>> 3. Develop a solution which would enable volunteers to take care (buy
>> food, inform healthcare if their health is deteriorating)  of elderly
>> (if not infected relatives cannot).
>> 4. Especially take care of elderly homes - map the Elderly homes and
>> their measures to fight COVID-19. In Italy in some of the elderly
>> homes lost already more than 80% of their patients.
>> 5. Establish a solution, which would use available workforce to help
>> medical staff to deal with non-medical tasks.
>> This is all what comes to my mind now.
>> Best
>> Giedrius
>> On 2020-03-18 22:49, Beth wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>> I am working with a group of interdisciplinary researchers
>>> (geographers, epidemiologist etc) who want to donate time to map key
>>> data that is not yet used or available to the public.
>>> We don't want to replicate other efforts. If you know of things
>>> going on let me know or add it to this spreadsheet. Feel free to
>>> send it around!
>>> and let me know if you want to get involved- is
>>> my email
>>> Beth
>>> On Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 1:59:02 PM UTC-4, John Crowley wrote:
>>>     Friends,
>>>     It has been a long while since I last posted. Today, we are
>>>     facing an unprecedented humanitarian emergency with COVID-19. We
>>>     are going to need each other to get through the coming storm.
>>>     There is more data than ever, and with that flow, more
>>>     responsibility for making sense of what the WHO is calling an
>>>     'infodemic' alongside the pandemic.
>>>     Could we get a roll call of who is working information
>>>     management modeling, data management, and other elements of
>>>     crisis mapping for this response?
>>>     I am currently at NetHope as Director of Information Management
>>>     and Crisis Informatics. We are in planning stage and looking at
>>>     the best ways to assist the 58 NGOs who are under the NetHope
>>>     network, likely to be around supply chains, sharing practices,
>>>     and forecasting.
>>>     Looking forward to being in touch with you all again,
>>>     John
>>>     ______________________________
>>>     John Crowley
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>>     mobile: +1 617.784.3663
>>>     skype: johnrcrowley
>>>     “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that
>>>     created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” -- Albert
>>>     Einstein
>>> -- 
>>> CrisisMappers | The Humanitarian Technology Network
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>> -- 
>> Giedrius K
>> Personal website:
> -- 
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