> J’y vois que différents lieux sont nommés, mais pas le domicile du patient.

Donc pour les francophone (ou du moins les français) un SSIAD n'est pas un 
service ambulatoire.

Wikipedia : Outreach
Outreach is the activity of providing services to any population that might not 
otherwise have access to those services.
A key component of outreach is that the group providing it is not stationary, 
but mobile; in other words, it involves meeting someone in need of an outreach 
service at the location where they are.
In addition to delivering services, outreach has an educational role, raising 
the awareness of existing services.
It includes identification of under-served populations and service referral.

Oxford-Hachette French dictionary : Outreach
assistance f; 
▸ outreach worker 
bénévole mf d'un organisme d'assistance

Donc social_facility=outreach, c'est de la maraude dans le domaine 

wiki osm : social_facility=ambulatory_care
An office for workers who support the living needs of those who can't fully 
support themselves; e.g., administrative offices for home nurses or 

Je plussoie donc : un SSIAD se tag social_facility=ambulatory_care


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