Hello everybody,

I am new in London (and in the UK in general) and I started mapping
around me. I have some questions about local habit of mapping.

I saw that in London the address of a building is often put as a tag of
the building. It is the "correct" way wanted by the local community? How
do you handle multiple address/entrance in the same building? Is the
"relation:street" used in this city?

I notice that in London the basement of a lot of houses are also used as
housing, and they often have address like "22A <name of the street>".
But I very often see only one address mapped ("22 <name of the
street>"). Does its existence implicit? Is it a specific tag for this?

Let say that a house has a basement (under the level of the street), and
3 floors. What values should I put in the "buildings:level" tag? 3, 4?
Are they a tag to clearly indicate this situation?

I hope that the situation will improve soon to be able to meet you in
real life.
Corentin Furet

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