Hello there,

I’m part of a group based in Hackney called the Tree Musketeers. We do a
variety of tree-related things around the borough & beyond, one of which
being annual planting of young trees in a selection of parks. We’re
planning this year’s planting at the moment, & we’re thinking of mapping
these new trees on OSM, for our own use & also as a tester for potentially
mapping notable trees throughout the borough in the future
(publicly-available tree data is currently very sparse/outdated for

I’m writing here to put out feelers for any related projects/groups: are
there any mapping-enthusiast tree folk out there? Or tree-enthusiast
mappers? At present we have arborists (tree experts) with identification
skills & a group of keen local volunteers (tree fans) with local knowledge
& access, but everyone is quite new to mapping & OSM.

Any info or contacts would be greatly welcomed!


p.s. We should be featured on Countryfile on BBC1 on 29 Nov, if you’d like
to learn more about the group!
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