I had the attached about a mapping exhibition forwarded to me.  I’m
interested, and planning to go and see it, and thought I’d share.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall
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Something you might want to forward around the Manchester area mappers.



-----Original Message-----
From: martin dodge [mailto:m.do...@manchester.ac.uk] 
Sent: 25 June 2009 9:40 PM
To: carto-...@lists.shef.ac.uk
Subject: [carto-soc] Mapping Manchester, a new public exhibition in Rylands

Hi, a little plug for the opening of a new exhibition I have co-curated.
If you're in Manchester over the next 6 months I hope you're be able to
attend. We welcome comments and feedback.

Martin Dodge

Mapping Manchester: Cartographic Stories of the City

A free public exhibition curated by Chris Perkins and Martin Dodge.
The John Rylands Library, Deansgate, Manchester.
25th June 2009 - 17th January 2010.

This exhibition reveals some of the ways in which mapping is ingrained
into urban life. It demonstrates how maps work and change over time in
response to technology, society and economic imperatives, highlighting
visually striking cartographic representations of Manchester.

Mapping Manchester showcases the wealth of cartographic treasures held by
the University of Manchester and other institutions in the city -
including generous loans of material from the Manchester City Library and
Archives and Chetham's Library. These maps are more than just 'pretty
pictures' - they are powerful tools, instrumental in the making of the
contemporary Manchester, and can be read as rich stories of urban life.

Some further details here:

A small selection of maps from exhibition are reproduced here:



School of Environment and Development,
The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road,
Manchester, M13 9PL

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