With rather excellent timing, it’s the first Sunday of the month
tomorrow, and the Loiterer’s Resistance Movement (LRM) will be meeting
at the John Rylands library café at 13:30.  See the attached mail for

If you get there earlier, you might even bump into some of us while
we’ve taken the chance to see the Mapping Manchester exhibition.  I’m
heading to be at the café for 12:30 (I may even be earlier for food).
If you fancy meeting up, let me know.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall
--- Begin Message ---
Dear friends, foes, faeries and fellow loiterers

Merry July! Apologies for my recent tardiness regarding the blog and late
notice of the forthcoming First Sunday. As some of you know June was a
tricky month for me; but I have emerged battered and bruised and still
breathing (sometimes that is no small triumph) and as ever during the tough
times some truths emerge amidst the clichés and the pain.

Very little can’t be relived by a stroll through the city (I can suddenly
hear Petula Clarke singing through the ether) and the intergalactic bonds
formed by comrades in loitering are a tremendous source of strength and
inspiration. Thank you all.

I’ve love to know what’s been happening with you and in particular your
thoughts on a few questions I’ve been pondering: Where do you feel safe /
unsafe? What is your favourite psychogeographic art? How should The LRM
evolve? How is technology helping and hindering your sense of space? Answers
on a postcard or in an email please…. Also, massive thanks to the ever
inspiring Alan for curating June's splendid adventure. If you have an idea
for a First Sunday please do share and we can make it happen.

The LRM will be embarking on something of an art crawl this Sunday, joining
the dots between a few of the many exciting creative endeavours lighting up
the city at the moment.

We’ll be meeting at John Rylands library café (on Deansgate) at 1.30pm  I
suggest getting there early to have a look at the splendid sounding Mapping
Manchester: Cartographic Stories of the City' http://tinyurl.com/nqczhq Mmmm
maps... how they limit and liberate and intrigue….

Then we’ll be (very promptly on this occasion) heading out to enjoy
Procession http://www.mif.co.uk/events/procession-2/ which one of the LRMs
heroes, Miss Euphemia P Niblock  describes as the highlight of the
(Manchester International) festival surely...art, the everyday, plus a
little bit of flaneurie = an archaeology of now!! perfect...

At 2.30pm we will reconvene under our beloved giant map in Victoria Station.
This is one of my favourite places in town; I love the energy of railway
stations and the million stories you can glimpse (or invent) in the bustle.
We may be a little late so if you are lost or unsure where we are do please
ring/ text the hotline 079 749 29589 and remember our ramshackleness is part
of our charm.

The ensuing derive will be tactile, sensuous and playful: I want to
concentrate on the senses that we tend to ignore or repress when traversing
the city. And no I am not being perverse: this will be a walk, as ever,
suitable for all ages and dispositions.  It seems to me society as a whole
is becoming over cautious; fear of fear is a dangerous enemy to the
loiterer. Chance and chaos and risk can be liberating and beautiful: let’s
be delightfully silly and concentrate on touching and feeling and being
joyous. Consensual hugging is optional but very welcome.

This is not an official event; we have no corporate sponsorship, no
membership fee, no tickets, no exclusions, no copyright notices, no
insurance policies and no dogma. Ignore me if you like but please remember
advice given by some of our illustrious forbears ‘Forbidding is not allowed’
and ‘As long as it harm none’ between those two sages lies the heart of The

Our wander will finish at CHIPS so we can be dazzled by Trade City,
Contemporary Art Manchester’s launch event. Pedants may note we are not
embarking on a true derive because the end point is defined but I say so
what. We have no idea of what the travelling will entail and the journey can
still be sweet.

I daresay then we shall find somewhere to share stories and imbibe
refreshing beverages. Even as we revel in the art there will doubtless be
despair at the redevelopment of Ancoats and debate on the contradictions
inherent within the LRM; so resolutely embedded and in love with the city
and yet hating so much of what is happening to it.  It’s a shame The City as
Gymnasium exhibition at Cube isn’t open until 9th July; I think there will
be much to savour there too especially Lottie Child’s Street Training.

I hope one of the subtexts of a walk between and betwixt spectacles will be
a rallying cry for solidarity amongst the many artists, organisations and
individuals whose work overlaps with ours.
We may disagree on many things – I am a contrary bugger and lest we forget
the LRM is about revolutionary fun and wants nothing less than the city of
our dreams - but like a giant Venn diagram at our core we are all exploring
and celebrating Manchester in its multifaceted and frustrating and wonderful

The city is big enough for us all and I despise the insidious sense of
competition certain quarters encourage; but of course I reserve the right to
expel corporate whores and untruthful prophets when The Loiterers Republic
of Mancunia is finally established!

Just time to heartily recommend a couple more kindred’s who I can not
envisage ever banishing: The fledgling manchester modernist society is
blossoming into a Very Good Thing and the next issue of The Mule newspaper
(its full of proper, inspiring, trustworthy journalism) will include an
article about The LRM and how playing in the street became subversive.

I do hope to see you Sunday or perhaps in one of the secret grottos I’ve
taken to hiding in of late. No of course I’m not revealing where they are:
it wouldn’t be a secret network then would it: but that again is the
paradox: most sacred LRM spaces may feel private but are very public and the
portals are there for anyone to discover if only they are looking the right

Glittery love, power and joy

Morag x

--- End Message ---

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