I have some knowledge of the behind the scenes work that went on in
releasing the cycle time data.

> It is also possibly a sign that the UK government is getting used
> to the idea of releasing raw data.

1) There's a big push by some forward thinking individuals in departments
like DirectGov to free up government datasets.  Their intention is to
stimulate some interesting mashups/applications of governement data to
encourage other departments to release data.  They specifically mentioned
people using it in cycle planners.

2) I have no idea if it was OS derived or not, try the DfT.  I would agree
with Andy that its not verifiable data and I don't think of it as a a core
OSM dataset.  You might attract a bit of trouble if you were to incorporate
it in OSM, BUT they want you to mash it up and publish it on the web.  Go
for it, the OS are backed into a corner over this.


ps Enjoy the TfL API
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