Christopher Osborne wrote:

> 1) There's a big push by some forward thinking individuals in departments
> like DirectGov to free up government datasets.  Their intention is to
> stimulate some interesting mashups/applications of governement data to
> encourage other departments to release data.  They specifically mentioned
> people using it in cycle planners.

Read their recent answer to the second of the questions MySociety set 
them (see sounds unfortunately like they 
still might not have "got it" though - talk of "intelligible form" 
sounds very much like make pretty user readable versions available 
rather than raw data :-(

> ps Enjoy the TfL API

...for bonus points, work out what terms and conditions apply to it and 
whether we can use any data derived from it ;-)

Of course the station locations and things are almost certainly 
contaminated by the omnipresent OS anyway.


Tom Hughes (

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