I have been a contributor to OpenStreetMap for a while now and
recently decided to make use of some of the collected data rather than
just adding to it.

I decided that what would be fun to implement is a routing algorithm
that can find the best (shortest or quickest) route between any two
OSM highway nodes.  I know that there are other routing algorithms
available but this started as an intellectual exercise so I developed
my own.  It seemed to work so I added a fancy web front end to it and
put it on a server.

Having the complete planet routable was infeasible so I have just
included the data for Ireland and Great Britain.

You can select from any of the major OSM transport types (foot,
bicycle, horse, motorbike, motorcar, goods, hgv, psv).  For each of
the OSM highway types (motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary,
unclassified, residential, service, track, bridleway, cycleway,
footway) you can select whether to use them and if so what speed
limit.  Restrictions on one-way streets, weight, height, width and
length are also options.

The router takes into account private/public/permissive restrictions
on highways as well as tagged speed limits.  What it doesn't do is
barriers (gates, bollards) and turn restriction relations (which I
have heard about but never seen).

The router itself (requires JavaScript for the map etc):


A description of the algorithm:


Andrew M. Bishop                             a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

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