On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 07:02:17PM +0000, Andrew M. Bishop wrote:
> > This is really neat. it's good to see a few excellent routers occuring
> > because of OSM.
> > I think your one is quite powerful for the ability to customise the
> > weighting, nice!
> >
> > Also, any plans to release the source for the router available so we
> > can play too?
> Yes, if people find it useful then I have no problems with releasing
> the source code.  I need to tidy up a few things and write a README
> file, but it was always planned that a release would occur if it
> worked.
> One thing that it is missing is a good name - I ought to get that
> sorted out as well before releasing it.


A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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