Bruce Cowan wrote:

> The way I understood things, primary/trunk = A roads, secondary = B
> roads, tertiary = C roads.
> Yes, I know that C roads aren't usually put on signs, but they can be
> usually identified by the fact that they have broken white lines down
> their centre unlike unclassified roads.

That's a nice theory, but largely unworkable as it is generally not 
possible to discover what roads are "C" roads, at least not from any 
copyright free source.

In fact as far as I can tell each council has it's own referencing 
system for roads below B roads - some have C, some have C and D, some 
have U, and so on.

I normally just use tertiary for roads which are not A/B but are 
significant through roads of some sort.

Milton Keynes is a special case though because of the grid structured 
nature of the town, which a special distinction between the grid roads 
which are intended as distributor roads and internal roads in each block 
which are only intended for getting in to/out of that block from the 
nearest grid road.


Tom Hughes (

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