Jack Stringer wrote:
>Sent: 04 July 2009 12:45 PM
>To: Dave Stubbs; talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
>Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Amenity Editing
>> No need for relations.
>> Just tag each address with addr:postcode or postal_code and all is
>Tag it with addr:postcode as that seems to be the system for now.

Both are in wide use. postal_code came along first (since 2006) so I'm not
sure why the Karlsruhe Schema used postcode. We could settle on one, but
since both are being used it's not a problem to use either one.

>> And in case you haven't seen it:
>> http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~random/postcodes/?layers=000FBT0F
>> this is taken from those two tags as applied to nodes or ways.
>Seen it, and you can see there are errors in the map due to mistyped
>names or incorrect cords. We need to bring both the postcodes under
>one name then to a mass edit/check to see which are in incorrect
>areas. i.e. there is a EC in the Exeter area (EX).

A large volume of postal codes in the database are partial postcodes, mostly
the first half of the postcode for instance in the UK. So being able to
actuality define is very unlikely until pretty much full addressing is done,
but that's years away. There is also the fact that the postcode areas are
dynamic and change each time a new postcode is issued for a development by

>> This really doesn't work. Postcodes are applied to addresses, not
>> streets. Just tag the address if you know it.
>> It's still quite useful to tag streets with the known prefix though --
>> I've done that a lot in London where the SW15 part is printed on most
>> street signs.
>I agree that postcodes are to the house not the the road. If you
>relate a house to a road it does allow for a navigation device to see
>where it needs to take you to get to the house. For now though I think
>having nodes for a building and putting in the addr info is the best
>way. This means that if in the future someone wants to do the houses
>to the schema suggested they can get all the information from the
>nodes, and then delete the extra data then. I know it making more work
>in the very long run but atm the idea of spending 2 weeks putting all
>the houses in correctly could put people off from entering the data.

We've been through this discussion many times before, just trawl the talk
archive. The current aim is to do it properly, which is to add address data
for nodes or building outlines placed in their correct (or as close as you
can establish) positions. We ruled out tagging the ways with address data
long ago, though that's not to say a set of postcode tags on a way isn't
valid and it is certainly helpful. I've also occasionally added a
house_numbers tag to ways where a street name sign has included that
information. I'd almost certainly drop that tag if I went along later and
added all the proper address data to nodes or buildings.

>I think I someone needs to draw up a proposal to convert the postcode
>tag to the addr:postcode as duplication causes confusion for now.

It's not a concern. We have many many similar examples (eg
bridge=true/yes/1). Having tagging flexibility helps build the map data.
Data users have to take two or more tags into account when they parse the
data. That's better than making everyone conform to a tagging standard,
something which is not the OSM way.



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