2009/9/15 Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>:
> On 15 Sep 2009, at 08:27, Brian Prangle wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Shelter = yes/no I think is essential to leave in as a requirement as to
> whether a bus stop is completley surveyed or not. For two reasons:
> indication of a shelter is a representation of what's present on the ground
> and it's a pretty siginificant presence ( after all we tag and map smaller
> things like post boxes and park benches!); and it's also useful for bus
> passengers to know whether they're going to get wet or not when waiting for
> a bus ( for when we can eventually actually render this on maps)
> So we can have bench=yes;bin=yes;lamp_post=yes on the same node if there are
> these other items attached to it.
> Personally I would prefer bus_stop=shelter/pole/customary/etc/etc to
> shelter=yes/no as it allows much greater richness and gives us a place to
> identify as stop as customary easily. It also fits with the pattern 'key=x'
> and the 'x=....' with more details of the feature
> Regards,
> Peter

Do we need to add to this, Request Bus Stops, ie Bus stops where you
need to stick out you hand, From Stops where the bus always stop, Bus
stands; (Where buses stop and have a coffee break) and Bus stations
(Which I suspect is a completely separate tag),

We need to split what buses do at the stops away from what is at the
stop. I guess.....


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