On 15 Sep 2009, at 08:50, Peter Childs wrote:

> 2009/9/15 Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>:
>> On 15 Sep 2009, at 08:27, Brian Prangle wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> Shelter = yes/no I think is essential to leave in as a requirement  
>> as to
>> whether a bus stop is completley surveyed or not. For two reasons:
>> indication of a shelter is a representation of what's present on  
>> the ground
>> and it's a pretty siginificant presence ( after all we tag and map  
>> smaller
>> things like post boxes and park benches!); and it's also useful for  
>> bus
>> passengers to know whether they're going to get wet or not when  
>> waiting for
>> a bus ( for when we can eventually actually render this on maps)
>> So we can have bench=yes;bin=yes;lamp_post=yes on the same node if  
>> there are
>> these other items attached to it.
>> Personally I would prefer bus_stop=shelter/pole/customary/etc/etc to
>> shelter=yes/no as it allows much greater richness and gives us a  
>> place to
>> identify as stop as customary easily. It also fits with the pattern  
>> 'key=x'
>> and the 'x=....' with more details of the feature
>> Regards,
>> Peter
> Do we need to add to this, Request Bus Stops, ie Bus stops where you
> need to stick out you hand, From Stops where the bus always stop, Bus
> stands; (Where buses stop and have a coffee break) and Bus stations
> (Which I suspect is a completely separate tag),
> We need to split what buses do at the stops away from what is at the
> stop. I guess.....

This is not a physical attribute of the stop so I agree that it  
probably belongs in another part of the data. A request stop on one  
service (or operator) might be a required stop for another (although  
it is normally only timing points where they have to stop and wait if  
they are ahead of schedule which might be what you mean). A duty  
layover (coffee break) may also vary by operator. Bus bays in bus  
stations do have different tags in NaPTAN (BCS) than ones on the  
street (BCT) but I don't think we currently make that distinction in  
OSM and I am not sure it matters a lot. Possibly we make that clear by  
wrapping it up on a stop area of type 'bus station'.


> Peter.
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