On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com> wrote:

> "Though custom cartography is the right answer for many applications, it
> will find it difficult to compete with the free, universally-recognised
> cartography of the OS."
> Are you saying you want to prevent these releases to protect the likes
> of OSM?
> Competition leads to improved services through innovation.

Ah, but you need to consider this not simply as competition, but as
state-funded destruction of a competitive market. Tax-payers money
would be being ploughed into producing raster maps, which are then
given away well below production cost in order to destroy the
businesses of other companies and individuals. Anyone trying to
compete would be up against the government who aren't trying to cover
their costs - pretty hard to compete with, and not really a level
playing field.

I'd like to see people concentrating on the freedom of the data -
especially things like electoral boundaries - and I'd like to see the
Ordnance Survey consider ceasing producing finished maps in order to
open up that whole area to fair competition and innovation.


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