Andy Allan wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Dave F. <> wrote:
>> "Though custom cartography is the right answer for many applications, it
>> will find it difficult to compete with the free, universally-recognised
>> cartography of the OS."
>> Are you saying you want to prevent these releases to protect the likes
>> of OSM?
>> Competition leads to improved services through innovation.
> Ah, but you need to consider this not simply as competition, but as
> state-funded destruction of a competitive market. Tax-payers money
> would be being ploughed into producing raster maps, which are then
> given away well below production cost in order to destroy the
> businesses of other companies and individuals. 
Andy, The taxpayers have already paid for it, many times over. I resent 
having to pay £7.50 for a map I've already financed to construct.
As I've paid for it, I think it should be given to me free of charge.

If it was a market (I see it a state owned monopoly) it was certainly 
not on a level playing field due to the state funding of an army division.

Releasing state owned data to the public should level it out a bit, but 
probably not completely.

> Anyone trying to
> compete would be up against the government who aren't trying to cover
> their costs - pretty hard to compete with, and not really a level
> playing field.

First you say it's a competitive market, then you say it's not.

> I'd like to see people concentrating on the freedom of the data -
> especially things like electoral boundaries 
1. Isn't that what it's been told to do?
2. Won't that be a "state-funded destruction of a competitive market."?
> - and I'd like to see the
> Ordnance Survey consider ceasing producing finished maps in order to
> open up that whole area to fair competition and innovation.
How would it be fair? They would still have to license the data from one 
source - the OS as already occurs with the vast majority of other maps 
(A-Z etc) & sat-navs.

If the rasters are traceable then the data can be used in competition, 
It'll just take longer than if the raw data was available.

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