> I have edited big relations in JOSM v2561 without any problems
> at all.
> These include long distance cycle routes that I certainly
> haven't
> downloaded the whole area for - it would be much too big to
> download
> from the API. You are right to be cautious, but I don't think
> there is a
> problem with this version, which is the current, tested one I
> think.

I think one scenario which causes (or possibly caused) problems is
that you are editing a relation and download relation member ways -
this doesn't (or possibly didn't) also download information about
other relations that those ways are members of. Split a way and it
will add the newly created way id to the relation you are editing,
but won't know to add it to the other relations the pre-split way
might have been in.

I base this theory on the number of level 8 admin boundaries in
Haiti that were broken by the import of the level 10 ones (JOSM 2943
is reported on one of the relevant changesets).


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