RE: Dave asking if we split up or go together.
Seasoned mappers normally grab their cake slice and go do it in record time,
unless showing a beginner the ropes (which we're happy to). First timers
always seem to come as a family, or with a friend and so they stick
together. A few mappers manage to bring a friend along.
It seems antisocial but the meet up points (morning, lunch, and evening) are
always full of stories about mapping mishaps and experiences, often for that
day or some how related.

RE: Fun/focus/theme, and the roads get mapped in the process.
I was going to ask how we can try and get more local people staying
interested where there has been no interest. I think the theme can be a good
hook to get people to come and it can give them a mapping-obession to
continue with. Mapping is more addictive when you know your obession (cycle
parking, postboxes, litter bins, etc). Plus it will also make it more
interesting for us to read any local newspaper articles that happen (they
all turn out the same, usually with the same misunderstangins).

"We all thought Sunderland would be a bit difficult but for me it turned out
to be one of the best and most interesting."
But then we did focus on a small town on the edge of it. ;) Actually, I too
don't understand why everyone questioned me going there. I travelled through
every part of the city and there was practically no-grot, but I met some
friendly people. Not many people turned up, it was just current OSM fans,
but I still think of it as a great success.

RE: A 'sponsor' column in the priorities.
The notes column works well now and I think it would be resonable to add in
bolder appealing notes. E.g. "Free beer & pizza for a party here" (sponsor:
ITO World), or "Bob knows a great cafe and could organise a party here".

If I were to take a week or two mapping holiday, cycling and camping in
Cornwall. I could do St Austell, Truro, Redruth, Camborne. Which are the all
on the secondary priorities list. I might end in Penzance, or Helston then
Penzance. Starting with Newquay and/or Padstow could possibly be worked in,
if there was interest/requests. With the aim to do some focused town mapping
each day so people can see how cool OSM is.
My pondering is, should a meet point/time be planned at all those places to
allow people to come and learn how to map. What can be done to actually get
local people interested before I get there, and so I leave something to grow
behind me?
It seems to be a whole county which will only get done by OSMers on holiday.
And then OSM will struggle with it's upto date gold star.

I look forward to seeing what parties get planned when I'm back in the UK
(May onwards), and to seeing you all of course.

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