On Friday 14 May 2010, Tim François wrote:
> For something that can be imported to editors, why not generate a GPX file? 
> JOSM loads these natively. Or am I missing something...?

I suppose it's not really the file format that's the issue - it's more about 
the mechanism inside the editor to deal with the data.

I'm thinking perhaps providing an openlayers map might be the best way to do it 
for now, even if it does mean a user has to keep switching between browser 
windows to use it.

> Also, I'm interested in the speed of your script: how long does it take to 
> process the entire GB.osm?

On my Celeron M 320 laptop (fastest machine I have) the whole process takes a 
few hours. The slowest thing is actually importing the planet extract and 
generating the bounding boxes for the OSM ways. The actual matching takes less 
than an hour I'd say (it's difficult to say an exact figure, at the moment a 
few of the steps are still done by hand and require manual intervention so I've 
never run the whole thing against the clock).

There's an updated version up now with a newer planet and more robust name 
normalization. Once I get some more time I will concentrate on getting the 
script smartened up and rolling the remaining manual steps into it.


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