> Ah yes, the recommended tag is good. I didn't notice one had
> been chosen
> (but it is a bit long for my taste). So use
> "source=OS_OpenData_StreetView" for verified buildings. 

A bit long yes, and probably not what Potlatch uses if you press 'b'
when the Streetview background is selected (I see this has been
covered in later posts - it uses the description for the selected
background as shown in the dropdown list IIRC), but autocomplete in
Potlatch and JOSM tend to pick it up once you've done one or two
(though when tracing lots of buildings I tag the first manually in
JOSM and then copy tags with Ctrl-Shift-V to all the rest). Oh, and
I was using source:building=OS_OpenData_StreetView for the original
outline, as whether I've then terraced that building into multiple
properties and/or added house numbers, shop names, or whatever are
all down to surveyed information, so I wanted to be clear.
(Similarly if I've added a road from GPS trace but name from SV I
add it as source:name). I'm not entirely happy where I've surveyed a
traced building and changed it from building=yes to building=garages
about not showing that "garages" is from survey, but wasn't sure how
to handle that. Presumably any non-yes value must be from a survey
(it is around here, at least - here being http://osm.org/go/0EHnCuAO


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