Thank you all for your comments.
I'll not get into the licence change debate here - plenty of that on

-  I agree that there are a few surprises highlighted here.   There are a
couple of cycle tracks highlighted that I survryed myself, so I will have to
check the underlying data.  When I get home I will improve the filtering to
exclude os 1:25k references.
- I will see what I can do with the rendering as Gregory suggests.
- The supermarkets reference is copy-and-paste-itis on my behalf - sorry!
- Emilie is probably right that strictly I should be interested in history,
but I cant do that easily from a planet extract, and I don't think it will
matter too much with opendata being so recent.   A curious legal point is
that if a way was originally derived from os-opendata, but subsequently
re-surveyed, is it still derived from opendata?


Graham Jones
(from my phone)

On Jul 20, 2010 4:41 PM, "80n" <> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Robert Whittaker (OSM) < <>> wrote: >
What's more, because Produced Works can be published under a restrictive
license we couldn't get the additional data back by tracing either.  ODbL +
CT makes getting data back into OSM much harder than it is now by a massive

BTW, how would a corporation agree to the Contributor Terms anyway?  The
sign-up page only caters for individuals.  Has, for example, CloudMade,
agreed to the contributor terms yet and how could we tell if they had?


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