On 02/02/2011 13:39, Richard Mann wrote:
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 12:51 PM, SK%3 <sk53_...@yahoo.co.uk <mailto:sk53_...@yahoo.co.uk>> wrote:

    ... this information is needed and is currently poorly
    communicated: see if you can obtain a leaflet showing the edge of
    the fare zone with any degree of accuracy at a local bus station,
    council office or library.

 You mean something like this:

Yes, but in that case I couldn't view a bigger version so that I could atually understand where the Oxford zone ends.

Here's the Nottingham City Transport one: http://www.thetram.net/times/kangaroo.asp. Fine for an overview, less useful if you discover that it's a half mile schlepp from the fare stage bus stopto the destination. Maidenhead have recently produced a map of their bus routes (first time since 1998 IIRC). Of course TfL have had a comprehensible fare zones map for years.

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