Some of the comments on the Android apps thread over on talk got me thinking 
about approaches to try and get more of the UK rights of way network done, 
particularly by contributors who may not wish to use a full scale editor.

Was thinking of a two stage approach, involving a relatively "non techie" 
person with a smartphone app, and an expert OSM editor with a JOSM plugin. It 
could work something like this. Someone could go out for a walk, fire up a 
smartphone app, and each time they start walking along a new right of way, 
select the right of way type using a simple interface. Their route would be 
recorded as a GPX track, and each time they change the current right of way 
type, a new <trkseg> is created, tagged with the right of way type. On 
completing their walk they could upload this track to a server.

Then, an expert OSM editor could do the actual data editing, using a JOSM 
plugin which downloads these tagged GPX tracks and renders each <trkseg> in a 
different colour depending on the right of way represented by that <trkseg>. 
Expert editors willing to be part of this system could subscribe to an RSS feed 
of new GPX uploads in their area.

Any feelings on this?


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