On 15/02/2011 20:28, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

Any feelings on this?

First things first, more GPS tracks are definitely useful, even if there's no other information recorded. For example, if I've walked from A to B and recorded one GPS track, and no-one else has been there (which is true a lot of the time) then anything that I plot is going to be iffy. More traces automatically uploaded (to somewhere, somehow) from more people would be really useful.

However, even when you've only recently been somewhere it's sometimes difficult to decide how to record something properly (i.e. footway/bridleway/cycleway/path vs track, surface, etc.). Obviously any extra information is useful to add to yours if you've been there, but I'm not sure that I'd want to add data for places that I hadn't been to based on someone else's track recording.

Besides (notwithstanding the rubbish weather of the last couple of days) the nights are getting lighter and I don't fancy spending more time in front of a keyboard than I need to!


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