Thanks Peter - It will be interesting to see what you come up with - sounds
very similar to what I was thinking of!


On 23 February 2011 17:22, Peter Miller <> wrote:

> Just to let you know that at ITO we are now very close to releasing a set
> of specialist renderings which might meet your requirements. These views
> will include:
> *Power lines, generators, substations etc (lines colour-coded by voltage if
> available)
> *Road speed limits (colour coded by speed limit if available)
> *Railways (colour coded by line type - mainline, subway, tram, light rail,
> preserved, abandoned etc)
> *Railway track width (1, 2 or multiple is available)
> *School boundaries
> *Car parks
> * and more that may be suggested
> ITO will manage all the data hosting, scripts and tile rendering. The
> service will be available globally and the data will be updated daily.
> Initially we will define the scripts to avoid to much rendering work for
> our servers.  Our intention is to then release the 'scripting' to allow
> people to create and publish their own scripts.
> More details soon!
> Regards,
> Peter
> On 22 February 2011 13:56, Tom Chance <> wrote:
>> Graham,
>> One thing you could usefully document – an in an easy-to-read, visual,
>> engaging way rather than dense jargon-filled wiki pages – and publicise is
>> how to use built-in support in OpenLayers. For example, it’s not all that
>> hard to download some interesting data via XAPI (if it were a bit more
>> reliable) and display it as a layer in an OpenLayers. A little bit of code
>> can also provide a popup bubble containing the tags associated with the
>> feature.
>> This is a good deal easier than rendering a new set of map tiles.
>> Here are a couple of examples:
>> If the data set isn't too large, this would work fine for maps of canals
>> and locks as well.
>> You can use CloudMade's style editor to create a suitable set of map
>> tiles, too, if the default OpenStreetMap/OpenCycleMap/etc. tiles don't suit
>> your needs.
>> Tom
>> On 22 February 2011 13:03, Graham Jones <> wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> I will certainly have a look at that, thank you - I have not seen that
>>> service.
>>> I am hoping to make this more than just a hosting service though.  This
>>> has been reinforced by a couple of off-list converstations I have had where
>>> there is a good chunk of making it easy for people to develop their own
>>> styles (without the overhead of setting up a rendering tool-chain), and most
>>> importantly providing straightforward documentation on how to do it.
>>> Maybe I should think a bit more about documentation first rather than
>>> concentrating so much on code!
>>> Graham.
>>> On 22 February 2011 10:19, Andy Allan <> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Graham Jones <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > I have put some thoughts on what this system would look like on my OSM
>>>> user
>>>> > page (
>>>> > My question is whether many people would find this useful?   Or has
>>>> someone
>>>> > already done it but I have not found it?
>>>> The guys over at wikimedia do this with their toolserver (amongst
>>>> other things) - producing both custom background layers and custom
>>>> overlays. For example,
>>>> ... is a black and white mapnik, with hillshading and power
>>>> distribution overlays. Documentation is a bit sparse but there's some
>>>> at
>>>> Anyone can develop a map style and ask to get it rendered. As part of
>>>> the toolserver project many of the tools needed for this kind of thing
>>>> were developed / used - e.g. hstore in osm2pgsql. You should certainly
>>>> dig into what they are doing, what kind of hardware they are using and
>>>> so on.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Andy
>>> --
>>> Graham Jones
>>> Hartlepool, UK.
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Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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