On Fri, 4 Mar 2011, Robert Scott wrote:

> On Friday 04 March 2011, Peter Miller wrote:
> > Any thoughts about how should we tag highways equipped with average  speed
> > camera enforcement?
> > 
> > Do you think that it is sufficient to just add 'highway=speed_camera' to the
> > way in question?
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dspeed_camera
> > 
> > If so I will update the wiki with details that instant cameras should be on
> > nodes and average cameras on ways.
> Dare I say it, this _is_ the right situation to use a relation. The 
> camera nodes between which the average speed is calculated could be 
> added to the relation in the correct order.


> Then again, this is the sort of detail that I'm sceptical we'll ever 
> reach in openstreetmap in a remotely uniform (i.e. useful) way, so I'm 
> not sure of the value of this level of complexity.

Surely, the amount of road stretches where average speed checks are done 
is not massive? 


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