On 19 March 2011 09:47, Bob Kerr <openstreetmapcraigmil...@yahoo.co.uk>wrote:

> Excellent,
> I have already discovered some discrepancies in Edinburgh using the layers
> layer. I am also not noticing any lag in displaying the data at this time.
>  I can also see the benefit of highlighting the schools and hope that in the
> future that maybe hospitals,doctors will be included

Layers seem to be in a terrible muddle in many parts of the country. I have
spent a good number of hours over the past week sorting out layering in East
Anglia and in London/Essex/Herts to the north of the Thames. A combination
of no clear guidelines, confusion over how to tag islands and clearings in
woods etc, warnings from JOSM? as well as no visibility of the tagging
itself led to a profusion of errors. In some parts of the country and across
Europe it seems to have become established practice to tag all rivers and
streams as layer=-1. As such some I hope some serious rationalisation will
take place.

Regarding hospitals, doctors etc, ye that would be good. We currently offer
22 different overlays and I can see this easily getting to 100 or more -
heath being one, sport being another etc etc. Each additional layer places
an addition burden on the servers. I suggest we leave it at about 22 for the
next 2-4 weeks while we sort out any snags and optimise the caching etc and
then look to increase the number of views. Our priority at present is to
move to global coverage of the existing layers.

Thanks for the feedback and ancouragement.



> Well done
> Cheers
> Bob
> --- On *Fri, 18/3/11, Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>* wrote:
> From: Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>
> Subject: [Talk-GB] new ITO Map service in beta
> To: "Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org" <talk-gb@openstreetmap.org>
> Date: Friday, 18 March, 2011, 14:12
> ITO are pleased to announce a set of new 'overlay maps' for OpenStreetMap
> which can highlights some of the data layers, such as speed limits, highway
> lane widths, whether rivers are navigable and if buildings have addresses
> etc.
> The service is still very much in beta and may suffer if many people jump
> on it at the same time but lets see what happens.
> The service is available here:
> http://www.itoworld.com/product/data/ito_map/main
> And a wiki description is available here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ITO_Map
> We are starting with a service for a bounding box that included the UK and
> northern France, Holland, a bit of Germany and up to southern Norway and a
> separate bounding box including the bay area, SF. The tiles will always be
> based current daily diff planet data (with a 24 hour processing lag). We
> should never serve old tiles from old data. If the service is noticeably
> slow then please give it a break for a hour and then try again.
> We will roll out the service to more areas as the system beds in and then
> globally over the next few weeks assuming that the servers hold up.
> We will gather feedback over the next week or so and then many some changes
> to the service to iron out any wrinkles.
> Regards,
> Peter Miller
> ITO World Ltd
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