On 18/05/2011 12:44, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
Kev js1982 wrote:

(And not all A roads are signed on the ground either)

That was the unspoken second half of my question. ;)

At, say, http://osm.org/go/eu2jYNcA-- , there's the A5189. Routing
software that says "turn right here for the A5189" will confuse the
user, because it's not signposted as such anywhere. (I think it's mostly
"(A444)" or "(A38)" or somesuch.) So "unsigned" tagging could be useful
in this case, too.

Yes, I agree that it would be very useful to tag whether a ref (or name) is signed on the ground or not.

I have tagged a few refs for C or U roads from diversion signs, but they are not (usually) signposted as such. Also there's a lot of streetnames which may not be signed, but are known from local knowledge or OS OpenData etc.

There is a proposed unsigned=yes tag on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Noname But that is not very helpful, as it doesn't specify whether it is the ref or the name (or something else) that is unsigned. Something like unsigned:name=yes or unsigned:ref=yes would be better. And it could be used for other language names or alt_name, eg unsigned:name:gd=yes etc.


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