Hi all,

I was thinking about Kent's open data and how we can improve our mapping. I've been talking to Gregory about missing schools but for some reason, I chose to look at pharmacies. I was partly inspired by Draco's post box locator [1]. I thought I could do a web 2.0 annotation of the pharmacy data set and allow adding links into the OSM database. This is the result.


On this site you can:

*Geolocate pharmacies on NPE, OS7, StreetView, OSM, given their rough initial positions from the original data set (I am guessing the initial position is simply the postcode centre).
*Associate a pharmacy with an OSM database object. This marks it as "found".
*Export a GPX with all the missing pharmacies.

Apologies for the minimalist appearance of the site. I will get around to tarting it up some time... I also wrote the code to apply to other data sets - watch this space. We are actually lacking most pharmacies in Kent. On the other hand, OSM has one or two that the KCC data set doesn't (in new estates). This site should help everybody find them.

Any comments?


[1] http://www.dracos.co.uk/play/locating-postboxes/

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