That looks like useful data. It looks to me like Edinburgh are not quite embracing open data - the terms and conditions for the entire web site is for "personal and non-commercial" use only. I stumbled on this recently:

This list the councils that "do" open data. If this was promote it and re-visualise it (with a heat map or other display), it might encourage councils to be more open. Perhaps you shouldn't listen to me though in influencing institutions - my track record is not great! Anyone else have a more informed opinion?



On 07/06/11 15:15, Bob Kerr wrote:

In Edinburgh the list of public roads is available here

The reason that I refer to this is that the Data from OS is not as accurate or up to date as this data. There is also some roads that are not named. I know from experience that the OS data is not fully correct and neither is OSM data. However as we are correcting the roads in edinburgh, this gets filtered back to OS which in turn goes to ITO and eventually we will all have the same correct data, It will take some time. We also have very few surveyors.

My point though is that we do have some data available from the council, and if we can create a heat map that shows which councils are releasing data then it may encourage others to do the same. My question is would it be worthwhile doing.



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