Andrew <andrewhainosm@...> writes:

>is now demanding changes to the way OSM is run with the treat of not accepting 
>the CTs. ( I 
>believe that, whatever the merits what he wants are, his methods are 
>unacceptable and the community should reject them.
>I therefore propose to delete every landuse polygon that TimSC created with 
>the hope that they will eventually be replaced

And if someone else says that whatever the merits of your argument, that your
methods are unacceptable, and so they will delete your stuff from the map?
Come on, that's not the way we do things.

I'm sure the OSMF are more than capable of standing up to any pressure put on
them.  And they too will decide if and when to purge things from the database.
We don't need to extend the battleground of arguments to the map itself.

Ed Avis <>

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