On 10/06/11 11:28, Peter Miller wrote:
> On 10 June 2011 11:20, Chris Jones <roller...@sucs.org> wrote:
>> On 08/06/11 07:58, Peter Miller wrote:
>>> Warwickshire is the biggest gainer/looser with 33 new names; over half
>>> of the districts have got at least one new road and there are now only
>>> 8 places still at 100%. We do  have 51 at over 99% and only 32 at
>>> under 50%. There is serious work in Wales, parts of Scotland, the West
>>> Midlands and Norfolk at present and in other places as well.
>> Hi
>> I've taken a look at a few towns in mid/south Wales using musical chairs.
>> It seems that many of the listed 'no matches' are because the OS Locator
>> data lists the Welsh Name for the street and when mapped the English
>> name was used in the name tag. Often the welsh name is there too but in
>> the 'name:cy' tag.
>> Would it be possible to include 'name:cy' (and also 'name:gd' for
>> Scotland) in your algorithm?
> Sorry. I don't understand exactly what you mean. Is this OSM Analysis
> or 'ITO Map source:name' that you are referring to? If it is OSM
> Analysis then could you spell out what exactly you want us to be doing
> that we are not doing?
> I also realise now that ITO Map source names should probably recognise
>  'name:cy' and 'name:gd' and also 'source:name:cy' and
> 'source:name:gd'. Will take a look at that soon.

Apologies, I miss read the inital message.. the feedback was intended
for musical chairs rather than the ITO OSM Analysis.

It would of course be massively helpful if the OS Locator data provided
bilingual names but that's another issue all together... ;)


Chris Jones, SUCS Admin

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