Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce Potlatch 2.2 is live.

New features include:

- Greatly improved vector background layer support (load shapefiles in the background and bring elements through one-by-one), including reprojection from OSGB
- Control-drag an area to select multiple elements
- MapCSS 0.2 support
- Highlight 'merged' tags (e.g. name=High Street;Main Road)
- 'View data' button in the upload progress dialogue, so you can select, copy and paste the changeset XML
- Timed reminders to save your work!
- Lots of bugfixes and little improvements

As ever, thanks to everyone who's helped, particularly Andy (A) who contributed lots to the unglamorous refactoring behind the vector background layer improvements.

There's also a special mode to show the licence status of the elements you're editing. This will help you not to waste time editing an element that may be deleted later, and make it easier to get areas "ODbL-ready".

To use it, simply choose 'Show licence status' from the Options dialogue, and make sure you're editing with the standard Potlatch map style. It will show:

- Elements where version 1 was created by someone who's declined ODbL+CT: solid red
- Elements where a later version was edited by a decliner: transparent red
- Elements with a version edited by someone who hasn't decided yet: transparent orange

(As yet it only shows node/way status, not relations.) Results are from wtfe.gryph.de.


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