Here is as much information as I can give. It is not conclusive so I would summarise by saying that I *personally* (great emphasis!) have some contributions derived from OS StreetView data and have accepted the new terms without qualms. I explain my reasons below and what I intend to do. I hope they help you make up your own mind either way if you are in a similar situation.

The License Working Group has sought legal advice, as per instructions previously on the OS website, on whether OS OpenData can be used to derive information distributed under the Open Database License 1.0. Our understanding from that is, yes, it is OK. However, we understand indirectly and informally that the OS may not be happy with that. The LWG is therefore very reluctant to issue any clear statement. We believe we comply with the new Open Government License. However, the OS has regretfully decided not to use that but instead incorporate it into their own unique license. The only provision that we can see that might be contentious is this:

""The same attribution statements must be contained in any sub-licenses of the Information that you grant, together with a requirement that any further sub-license do the same."

I.e. at the most extreme, could it be that school children making a map in a different country have to use the specific attribution language specified by the OS?

I have now written directly to the Ordnance Survey legal advisor and will keep you informed of any developments as openly as I can.

The next bit is a *personal* statement from me as an OpenStreetMap contributor.

I have traced some woods, buildings and used some road names in Yorkshire from OS StreetView. I have tagged each with an OS source tag.

I have accepted the new contributor terms.

I do so because the OSMF did what the OS asked and that was ask their own lawyer and not contact the OS directly. The OSMF understanding from that advice was that there is no incompatibility. There have been no cease-and-desist demands from the OS.

I respect IP rights and if they are potentially unhappy, that concerns me. I also do not want to upset other mappers. I have therefore stopped deriving anything at all from OS OpenData. I am slowly replacing woods and buildings from the now available Bing imagery ... it is better anyway. If the OS conveys a direct compatibiliity message, I will start using it again. If the reverse I complete the job and remove everything because I have a new understanding and should comply with our contributor terms.


[1] OS Licence:

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