> I've been working on some features in Potlatch 2 so that we can
> inspect, consider and merge the cycling data attributes into OSM
> a
> street-by-street basis. 

I've just been looking at the cycle data. While the dataset is
licenced as OGL (or as the metadata says "Crown Copyright with
data.gov.uk rights", if that is the same) I notice each record has
an allowedUse element which in the bits I've looked at are
"Commercial Licence" or "Not For Profit" - are those latter records
still OK for OSM use, or do the Potlatch 2 changes you've worked on
filter them out? I'll confess I've not looked in detail at what
items are covered by what, but it looks to be that their community
provided data is not for profit use in general, whereas the
professionally surveyed stuff allows commercial use.


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