> As for the potlatch 2 code, it's worth clarifying that both the
> merging code (in potlatch2) and the serverside code for accessing
> per-bbox [1] only deals with OSM format data, not GML. The work
> for
> converting it from GML into .osm is contracted to the people who
> actually understand the GML representation! It was done this way
> ensure that everything I've put into potlatch 2 is entirely
> and reusable for any other datasets we wish to merge in the
> <snip>
> [1] See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Snapshot_Server

So if I, or someone else, writes something that parses the car parks
GML into OSM format tagging, is there someone and/or somewhere it
could be uploaded it to for people to use, do you know? If so then I
might look at a wiki page to discuss the mapping(s). They seem to
have coordinates (in Eastings and Northings) for entrances, exits,
and "map" which is I'm guessing where they would place a label
(though will know more when I've had chance to look at the data
more). For the Snapshot_Server to handle it, would it be able to
match a point location to an already mapped car park area?


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