On 30 October 2011 20:13, Brian Prangle <bpran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For tagging I suggest we just use building=brewery and only
> render for ways (i.e ignore nodes). Later on we might be able create
> relations consisting of a brewery and the pubs where it has its beers We
> also might like to consider different colours  to distinguish "industrial
> mass market" beers from real ale beers. Also, with  permission,  to
> highlight winners of various awards.

A tag for pubs; "GoodBeerGuide:year=2010" (being the most recent entry)?

What about specialist off-licences?

> And while we're at it  should we make
> it a proper drinkers' map and include all the highland distilleries, the one
> or two vineyards in the South and what do you call places where they make
> cider/perry?


Andy Mabbett

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