Hi everyone

Browsing around Burton to see why there are so many Coors Breweries in the
tagquery page ( there are 3 sites tagged but only one rendering at the
moment) I came across the National Brewery Centre tagged as a museum. As it
has "Brewery" in its name I would have expected to see it in the tagQueries
page. Anyway to add to the tagging puzzle, surely we need this in the map?
And possibly other museums ( how to tag Brewery Visitor Centres? )



On 14 November 2011 18:41, Craig Loftus <craigloftus+...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> On 14 November 2011 14:58, Ed Loach <e...@loach.me.uk> wrote:
> > I just wondered whether when mapping breweries whether we are using
> > name for the name of the brewery and operator for the company that
> > brews there. For smaller companies they may not have named their
> > brewery, so name might do for the operator. Or are we using name for
> > the brewing company and addr:housename if the brewery has a name?
> >
> > All was going swimmingly until I tried to add Nethergate in Growler
> > Brewery...
> I would use name for the bricks and mortar thing, and operator for the
> company irrespective of whether they have a name for their brewery or
> not, this follows the style used for retail chains.
> I've just come across the St Francis Abbey Brewery, which brews
> Smithwick 'brand' beer (their own word), and is owned and operated by
> Diageo. I'm going with:
> industrial=brewery;
> name=Saint Francis Abbey Brewery;
> brand=Smithwick's;
> operator=Diageo;
> How one reconciles this with the use of the brewery tag on pubs, I
> don't know. At a first guess I would think brewery=Smithwick's, for
> their tied pubs as I'm guessing that is what it says on the sign.
> Craig
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