> On 24 January 2012 03:09, Robert Norris <rw_nor...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > The Taunton Sedgemoor import data seems pretty messed up.
> > Eg Mansuel Road, seems have picked out wrong points (over 5+ miles away) to 
> > generate crazily wrong geometry.
> Thanks Robert - I'll have a look at that and find out what's gone wrong.
> > Other areas look OK.
> Great!

I don't want to steal Andy's thunder, but I thought I'd check the progress and 
what good timing!

. My reported geometry issues are solved.
. Many more areas have been processed (~ 1/3 of DfT areas including my local 

Updates  (yesterday) are on the wiki:

But I thought a heads up on the GB mailing list would be useful too.* 
Portsmouth - however I may wait until after the license change before arm-chair 
mapping updates...
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