>> OK may be I wasn't quite using it quite with the proper intention, although 
>> I think most of the ways I added it to have been revised in some manner.
>> However it's quite difficult to determine how much a ways' geometry has 
>> changed.

>You should definitely always err on the side of caution. If you add 
>odbl=clean, you are making a very strong statement about all the contributions 
>that made up that >element. I would ask that you please go back and remove 
>odbl=clean from everything you have added it to, unless you can be truly 
>certain about the history of that >element. My worry is that if odbl=clean is 
>diluted by uses that are not 100% clean, it will simply be ignored and that 
>will waste a lot of effort by people who have >carefully checked that ways are 
>in fact clean.

I've now rechecked these changes and they are all correct - some I initially 
created, but agree with the highway type tagging (previously marked 'byway' is 
really a track), one way I moved it around, and finally one which was initially 
by Nick Austin, but split by Andy Street to correct path->track part - again is 
better tagged this way (i.e. can't delete the tag just to put back in the same 

Luckily I didn't put in many odbls, which I was planning to add more with my 
prior (mis)understanding.

I shall be extra vigilant in any future use - if I use it at all.

Happy Friday Night!
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